Thursday, May 2, 2019

Momma Said There’d Be Days Like This

There’s a lot of talk about the importance of self-care especially when it comes to mothers because caring for a little person is hard no matter how cute they are. Society says it’s ok to take time for yourself (i.e., the whole oxygen mask reference) but does that apply to new moms? No one blinks when you want to trade your angry teenager for a day at the spa, but isn’t self-care when you have a precious newborn just selfish?

No. It’s actually self-preservation. Self-care is different for everyone, and while there are times it’s a facial and a massage, there are other times it’s simply letting your sister take the baby so you can sleep. When we neglect self-care everything suffers, so in honor of Mother’s Day we wanted to share a few tips for life with a new baby. And, since La Bella Derma Owner, Chelsea, and her husband Chris recently welcomed their second child (baby Sophia) you know these have been tried and tested in real-life.

Tips for new moms:

Ask for and receive help. People love to fawn over babies – those tiny fingers and toes, chubby thighs, new baby smell – so let them. Allow your friends and family to hold that little bundle so you can get feeling back in your arms or eat without balancing a baby on your chest. Your instinct will be to politely decline these offers, but don’t. Be honest when your mother-in-law asks if you need anything at the grocery store. Trust us, there’s a reason it takes a village.

Mom Pro Tip: Set-up a meal train for those first weeks home using Sign-up Genius or another free website.

Move your body – eventually. Once you get the go-ahead from your doctor try to fit movement in regularly. Note that we did not say, “Get to the gym 3x a week and hit it hard.” At this point, moving your body is more about benefiting your mood than fitting into pre-pregnancy clothes. Put your baby in that fancy new stroller and walk around the neighborhood, head to a post-natal yoga class (bonus – there are often sweet volunteers who will rock your baby while you enjoy some much-needed shavasana) or do some gentle stretching in the living room. Most importantly, be kind to yourself. Trust that your body will not be postpartum forever. You just grew and birthed a human being!

Mom Pro Tip: Take advantage of free, online fitness videos created specifically for new moms. These are great for those early morning hours!

Multi-task like a mother.
No one knows how to multi-task better than a mother, especially in those first months years. Time to yourself is limited and there will be days that a seven-minute shower feels like an indulgence. Does that mean you need to forgo all non-essentials? Definitely not, you just need to be intentional with those seven minutes. Put on a face mask before hopping in and replace your body wash with a gentle exfoliator. Showing your body love in little ways will make you feel more like a human and less like a milk machine.

Mom Pro Tip: Our pre-shower favorites include Epicuren’s Pumpkin Apple Spice Peel that dissolves dead skin cells and promotes clarity and PCA’s Hydrate Mask that soothes as it moisturizes. We also love Epicuren’s After Bath moisturizer to keep our skin as soft as baby’s.

Get out there. Even the most social among us can find it hard to venture out of the house with an infant, but it’s essential for your mental health. There’s a reason cabin fever is a thing. We’re not suggesting you keep a full social calendar or bring baby on tour but leaving the confines of your house is so very freeing. A quick trip to the drugstore or Starbucks (even if you use the mobile app) expands your little world and helps you feel like you’re still part of society.

Mom Pro Tip: Bringing your new bundle of joy out into the world may seem daunting but take advantage of the infant carrier stage while you can because soon enough, you’ll be wrangling a toddler into a shopping cart!

Schedule an eyebrow wax. We’re not kidding. Chances are your eyebrows will have been severely neglected by the time baby arrives. You’ll be amazed at what a quick brow wax can do to brighten your eyes and make you feel human again. Plus, laying down for ten minutes will feel heavenly.

Mom Pro Tip: Ask a friend to accompany you, swing by a coffee shop, and you’ve just had yourself a little momma date.

There’s nothing quite like being a new mother. Bringing life into the world is beautiful and exhausting and joyous and draining all at the same time. The team at La Bella Derma knows how delicate the postpartum season is and we love to help mothers feel their best. Check out our May specials then giveus a call at 802.735.3031 to schedule some well-deserved time to yourself.

Heather Frechette-Crowley is principal and founder of Root Marketing, where she uses content-based strategy to help businesses of all sizes connect with their target market. Looking for help telling your story? Visit or email

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

What's Stress Got To Do With It?

April is officially Stress Awareness Month, but most of us feel it every day. And, while this may come as a shock (insert sarcastic emoji) according to Psychology Today 1, Americans are more stressed than ever and women experience the brunt of it 2. What do we stress about? Money, work, family, relationships, global warming, zombie apocalypse... essentially anything and everything.

Zombie apocalypse notwithstanding, the reality is that life is full of stress, both “good” (think planning your wedding, starting a new job, or having a baby) and “bad” (death of a loved one, job loss, etc.). There are even online quizzes you can take to gauge your level of stress (in case not knowing how stressed you are is causing you additional stress). Yet, despite society’s awareness, some situations still garner more sympathy. Selling your house and moving across the country? Stressful. Running a Fortune 500 company? Definitely stressful. Walking the infamous work/life balance tightrope EVERY SINGLE DAY? Mmmm…

Yeah, see what we mean? Even in today’s hyper-aware culture we’re still hesitant to acknowledge the unrelenting pressure most women accept as part of life. Maybe it’s because much of what causes our stress is unglamorous, yet essential to keeping the ship afloat. Known as emotional labor, these invisible duties often go unnoticed until we stop doing them. This is the never-ending list that scrolls through your mind at 3 am…we need a nut- and gluten-free snack for Tuesday…did the Easter Bunny bring jump ropes last year…. we should really start meatless Monday… and so on.

In a climate where busy-ness is a badge of honor and women one-up each other with commitments, stress has become so normalized that we no longer pay attention to its symptoms. Spoiler alert: disrupted sleep, anxiety, fatigue, poor concentration and mood swings are not just part of being a woman. These are ways stress manifests, it’s our bodies telling us to chill out 3 and when we choose not to listen the repercussions can be dangerous. Seriously. Stress elevates cortisol levels which lowers immune function and bone density, and increases blood pressure, cholesterol and heart disease 4. Enough said.

When it comes to stress, it’s not as much about avoidance (which is impossible, btw) as it is management. So, in the spirit of Stress Awareness Month here are a few tried and true ways to keep stress in check.

Develop & Maintain Social Connections. Stress often results in isolation and feelings of loneliness, which is why you need to go to book club, schedule coffee with a friend, and make ladies’ night a priority. (FYI - La Bella Derma makes a great time-out destination and offers spa day bundles for every price point.) While making time for friends may seem frivolous when you have a million things to do, research shows that people who surround themselves with a caring and supportive network actually feel more capable of handling life’s stressors 5.

Stay In Touch With Your Feelings. Remember the saying, “fake it till you make it”? Turns out that might not have been the best advice. While “surface acting” (i.e., forcing emotions) may help us conquer short-term feelings of inadequacy or keep us from punching Cathy in accounting, it can also keep us from trusting our inner wisdom. And, when we habitually ignore our feelings it generally doesn’t end well. Enter journaling. Setting aside time to regularly check in with yourself is an extremely helpful way to stay connected to your gut and avoid heading in directions that will take you off course. To make your weekly scribble session more fun, buy a fancy journal, grab a corner spot at your favorite coffee shop and check out this article for more ways to make your journaling habit stick.

Disconnect From Stressors. We know that disconnecting from your spouse, kids, job, society’s unrealistic ideals and everything else on your plate is darn near impossible, which is why it’s so flippin’ important. Women have been caretakers since the beginning of time, but we’re not very good at taking care of ourselves. Now, for the sake of all things holy, it is time for that to change. We won’t say that a visit to the spa will magically make your significant other pick up some emotional labor or get your micromanaging boss take a step back. But it will give you a much-needed break to breathe, focus on yourself and just be. Oh, and also leave you feeling uh-mazing. In fact, creating a space for just that is why La Bella Derma was founded.

At the risk of going all Hallmark, we want you to remember that throughout all of life’s ups and downs there’s only one you, so start treating yourself like the rare gem you are. No one is immune to stress but by recognizing the triggers we can counteract its effects. Start with the suggestions above and take a look at Self-care: More than a buzzword for more tips. And, as a little incentive to get you headed in the right direction, all spa facials are 20% off through April. Stop by the spa, book online, or give us a call today at 802.735.3031 to schedule yours.



Heather Frechette-Crowley is principal and founder of Root Marketing, where she uses content-based strategy to help businesses of all sizes connect with their target market. Looking for help telling your story? Visit or email

Thursday, February 21, 2019

How To Embrace Spring’s Gifts

Sometimes the universe delivers exactly what we need when we need it - the perfect little something just for us. Oh hello, Starbucks double stars day; thrilled to see you, open parking spot; it’s been far too long, stunning rainbow. Spring is just that kind of gift– all melting snow, budding leaves, and bright sun – arriving when we can’t stand one more minute of ice, boots or frigid winds. Unfortunately, we’re often so heads-down just trying to make it through the day that we miss the gifts around us. We’re too caught up in moving on to what’s next that we forget to enjoy what’s here.

Enter spring in New England - Mother Nature’s way of reminding us that in this moment there is opportunity. Yup, we’re headed down Metaphor Lane but if you stay with us you won’t be sorry. To make room for daffodils and green grass, layers of snow and ice must first melt away. The same is true for us. Before we can embrace the present some things need to melt away.

How does one actually make that happen? For starters, when you feel better, you do better. Our mission at La Bella Derma is to give you the support you need to feel your best and this month we want to do that by helping you embrace spring’s gifts (however small they may be). So, we’re sharing a few ways to rise above the busy-ness of life because it’s hard to notice the little things when you’re struggling to stay afloat.

Start your day centered - Get up 15 minutes earlier and take a few moments to look out the window, listen to the quiet and center yourself. Don’t check your email or try to get a jumpstart on the tasks you need to accomplish. Just sit and breathe. Ask yourself what you’re grateful for and focus on the abundance (trust us, it’s there). The ripple effects of this small action can change the trajectory of your entire day.

Team tip – A few spritzes of Loutuswei’s Inner Peace or Quiet Mind aura mist is a gentle way to clear the mind.

Scribble Saturday or Sunday - Once a week grab a journal and head to a coffee shop, library, or quiet nook of choice to really check-in with yourself. This is time to sip some tea or your favorite latte and focus on you. How do you feel? What do you want more of? What can you eliminate or stop doing to help you get to where you want to be? Maybe it’s cutting out late night Netflix so you don’t start your day hitting the snooze button. Listen to your inner voice and write down what she says. Don’t worry, this doesn’t mean you’re committing to anything; you’re just listening. Caution – at first your mind will tell you to rush this exercise so you can move on to something more productive (like grocery shopping), but don’t. Instead, get quiet and listen; it’s the only way to become more present. When we take time to uncover what we really want – how we want to feel, how we want to show up, and (this one can be hard) we give ourselves permission to break through everything that’s been insulating us, that’s when we can see the gifts that surround us and bring our own into being.

Team tip – Can’t disconnect enough to hear your inner voice? Try the Destress Express 20-minute boutique treatment, then head to a nearby restaurant or coffee shop (La Bella Derma has plenty within walking distance) to journal. Nothing releases tension and clears your mind quite like our zero gravity recliner and soothing accessories.

Exfoliate (really). Sometimes our work is inside-out and other times it’s outside-in. Remember, when we feel better, we do better. There’s nothing like literally removing dead layers of skin to leave us feeling lighter and open to possibilities. For the body, we suggest using a dry brush a few times a week before hopping in the shower and adding a body scrub like Lather’s Yuzu Sugar Cane. Just don’t use them on your face! We offer a number of treatments and products specifically designed for facial exfoliation. Among them, peels and Vibradermabrasion work wonders to reveal healthy, bright skin after a long winter.

Team tip – Throughout March get a free express facial add-on with any PCA peel. Use the extra downtime to envision how you want to show-up (or zone out and simply enjoy).

Still not sure this will help you enjoy the present? As your mother used to say, just try it! Seriously, the only thing you have to lose is a layer of dead skin. Whether you’re swinging in for a quick brow shaping or enjoying a relaxing massage and body treatment, your time at La Bella Derma is always time well spent. How can we be so sure? Because time dedicated to helping you feel your best is never wasted. Take a look at our service menu or give us a call at 802-735-3031 to speak with a team member about the best treatments for you.

Heather Frechette-Crowley is principal and founder of Root Marketing, where she uses content-based strategy to help businesses of all sizes connect with their target market. Looking for help telling your story? Visit or email

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Four Ways to Beat the Winter Doldrums (Travel Not Required)

Here we are, friends. You survived the holidays and the first month of 2019 – maybe you even made it through #DryJanuary or the Whole30 or J. Lo’s 10-day no carb challenge or some other way to prove that This. Is. The. Year. Or, maybe you just curled up by the fire with a chocolate Santa and pondered how to make snowflakes and reindeer part of your year-round décor. Either way, it’s officially February and time to show yourself some love! Seriously, what’s a New Englander to do when the winter vortex bares down and the groundhog sees his shadow? We’ve got some ideas that will definitely brighten up the winter doldrums.

Stop neglecting your eyebrows! Shakespeare called the eyes a window to the soul, but it’s your brows that set the stage. Just ask anyone who’s been on the receiving end of an over-zealous brow wax, or your friend who had a unique take on the “bold brow” (hint – if you can’t think of one you might have been the friend). The right eyebrow shape can do wonders, basically giving you a non-surgical facelift by detracting from your least favorite features and drawing attention to those you like the most. Add a tint to those brows for the proverbial icing on the cake. Even if you don’t have fair-colored arches, brow tinting adds more structure making you look instantly groomed (especially fabulous for those of us who prefer a natural, sans-makeup look). Tinting also boosts your brow volume as it adheres to tiny, peach-fuzz hairs that sometimes come in blonde. The result? Defined brows that give you a put-together look without the effort. Trust us, a brow shaping and tint combo will have you coming up roses even if you’re still shoveling.

Winter is the best time to take it off. Everyone thinks exfoliation when the weather starts to warm and the winter layers come off but the time to reveal fresh skin is now. Year-round exfoliation is important, but winter’s sub-zero weather creates extra dry skin, making it an ideal time to encourage cell turnover. Enter Vibradermabrasion. Vibro-what? Vibradermabrasion (a.k.a., microdermabrasion’s more refined sister) provides a mild-to-moderate mechanical peel. While both methods remove the top layer of skin (i.e., the epidermis) and stimulate cell turnover, traditional microdermabrasion uses aluminum oxide crystals to sand-blast the skin. Whereas Vibradermabrasion uses paddles covered with fine abrasive particles. The paddles vibrate at sonic speed (for us non-MENSA folks, that’s faster than the speed of sound), dislodging the topmost skin cells. Not only is this method faster, it’s also more comfortable and reduces post-treatment redness. Remind me what this does to my skin? By removing the outer epidermis, fresh skin is revealed and cell turnover is prompted, creating that much sought-after collagen production. And, while beauty may be only skin deep these results aren’t. You’ll immediately see brighter, fresh skin, but the dermis (i.e., the middle layer of skin that provides structural elements like collagen and elastin) receives many longer-term benefits. Plus, skin that has received Vibradermabrasion better absorbs products, allowing for deeper penetration and super charging your skincare regimen long after you leave the spa. The end result is improved appearance of sun-damage, scars, fine lines, acne symptoms, age spots, and hyperpigmentation. Another bonus? The results are cumulative, which means the more treatments you have the greater your results.

Watch this brief (sped-up version) of a Vibradermabrasion treatment.

Need something a tad stronger to brighten your outlook? Look no further than Rezenerate Microchanneling. You’ve probably heard of micro-needling, a treatment that uses steel, acupuncture needles to pierce the skin and create micro-injuries, inducing your natural wound healing response. This is not that treatment…it’s better. Maybe we’re wimps, but micro or not, we’re not keen on skincare treatments that intentionally draw blood. Why would anyone willing subject themselves to that? Chalk it up to our addiction to youth or the Kardashians, but to some the end justifies the means. When skin is kicked into healing mode, collagen and elastin production is stimulated which plumps the skin and improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, scars and pores.

You might be thinking, “If we put a man on the moon, surely we can create an alternative to stabbing our face with needles!” And you’d be right. This is where Rezenerate Microchanneling comes in. We like to think of it as providing all of the benefits of micro-needling and none of the blood. How is this possible? Simple – nanotechnology (a.k.a., the study of super small stuff). Instead of piercing the skin with steel needles, Rezenerate Microchanneling uses a chip with microscopic nano-needles (we’re talking 1/3 the diameter of human hair) to create invisible nanochannels without skin trauma or pain. The result? Smoother, more radiant skin; minimized appearance of pores; and a significant reduction in lines, wrinkles, and acne scars. We think the choice is an easy one.

Looking to dial it back? Maybe you’re still feeling a bit woozy from holiday family time and are looking for something a bit more soothing - or just a reason to lay on a heated table under a cozy blanket for 50 minutes (zero judgement here). If this sounds like you, say hello to a custom facial! At La Bella Derma our custom facials are truly customized (#Truth). Our team is able to select products across lines to provide your skin exactly what it needs. These facials are a great way to experience downtime while reaping the benefits of a skin treatment. It’s a win, win - you leave the spa feeling and looking rejuvenated!

February in New England is tough; the holly jolly of December is gone, yet spring still feels too far off. Next to a Caribbean vacation, we think these treatments are a great way to get you through winter’s final chapter. And, to help make the decision an easy one, La Bella Derma is offering a package special on each of these treatments through the month of February (#PackagePalooza). Buy three of the same service and receive one free. Wondering what’s right for you? Stop in or call the spa at 802.735.3031 to speak with a team member – this is what we’re here for!

Heather Frechette-Crowley is principal and founder of Root Marketing, where she uses content-based strategy to help businesses of all sizes connect with their target market. Looking for help telling your story? Visit or email

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Just How Super is the GeneO+ Super Facial?

To a 40-something who hasn’t always prioritized her skin health (think Hawaiian Tropic and Sea Breeze astringent) reduced fine lines and wrinkles, smaller pores, and brighter skin is basically the skincare trifecta. So, when La Bella Derma offered to let me experience their new GeneO+ Super Facial that claims to deliver those very results, I was all “Ummm, yes please.”

Owner and Esthetician Extraordinaire, Chelsea Russell, explained that the GeneO+ (pronounced juh-nay-o, so as not to be confused with the brand of turkey) treatment combines microdermabrasion, potent oxygenation, and the collagen-producing power of radio frequency in one super treatment. Sounds impressive, but how exactly does all of that counter years of environmental factors and brow furrowing? I had no idea but was more than willing to find out.

The GeneO+ Super Facial began with a gentle cleanse, which always feels like a treatment in itself when accompanied by an expert facial massage and properly placed bolster. Next, the smooth NeoReviveTM gel was gently brushed over my face. (Note – depending on your primary concern, you can choose NeoRevive to focus on anti-aging or NeoBright™ to address skin tone)

Once the gel was applied, Chelsea glided the GeneO’s handheld wand in circular motions across my face, explaining that I would soon feel a gritty texture. Two seconds later, in a move straight out of Harry Potter, the gel turned gritty beneath the wand and started to foam. Hello, oxygenation! It felt so neat it made me wish I had paid more attention in science class. When a thick layer of foam had formed, it was gently removed and massaged back into my skin with the wand for deeper penetration. This step not only added to my relaxation, it also helped to seal in anti-aging ingredients like Kojic Acid, Azelaic Acid and Retinol. Truly living up to its name, every element of the GeneO+ Super Facial multitasks. This step not only exfoliates, but also infuses oxygen into the skin to stimulate cell renewal.

My skin felt clean and tight, and I wasn’t done yet. Next up – radio frequency, but not the scary sci-fi kind. It was more of the don’t-feel-a-thing-but-magically-takes-away-wrinkles kind. In fact, if Chelsea hadn’t described what she was doing I would never have known. Another gel, this one with aloe vera for added hydration, was applied to create a conductive medium for the radio frequency (RF) waves. I felt a gentle, warming sensation as the wand moved over my face and I grew more relaxed. Tricky things those RF waves; though I couldn’t feel it, they were busy at work stimulating collagen production, tightening tissue and retracting the skin (sorry wrinkles, not sorry).

A few minutes later, a firm shoulder massage indicated that my treatment had come to an end. Now, I’m generally in no hurry to hop off the treatment table but I was excited to see my GeneO+ Super Facial results, so to the mirror I ran. I immediately noticed that my skin wasn’t just bright, it was flippin’ glowing! It looked tight and smooth, and the prominent lines on my forehead weren’t nearly as deep as they had been an hour earlier. In short, it was rather uh-mazing.

In fact, the next morning my skin looked even better thanks in part to all of the nutrients it absorbed overnight. Sometimes we endure discomfort and downright pain in the name of beauty (looking at you, electrolysis). Trust me when I tell you this is not one of those times. This treatment is relaxing and literally has zero downtime (the pics are proof). And, while it results in an immediate difference, the effects are cumulative so the more treatments you get the better your skin will look.

For more information or to book your GeneO+ Super Facial click here. Still have questions? Stop by the spa or call 802.735.3031 to speak with a team member.

Heather Frechette-Crowley is principal and founder of Root Marketing, where she uses content-based strategy to help businesses of all sizes connect with their target market. Looking for help telling your story? Visit or email

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Five Things to STOP Doing in 2019

Ahh, the start of a new year! The turning of a new page, a fresh slate, 12 months of possibility ahead. While December is the season of sugar cookies and peppermint martinis, we welcome January with snug waistbands and a list of ways to improve. Well not this year folks. Nope. We think you’re fantastic just the way you are, and rather than add things to your must-do-list, we’re taking them off. That’s right – here are five things to STOP doing in 2019:

1. Using pore strips. Sure, you get a satisfying sense of accomplishment when you pull it off and see the forest of debris that was clogging your pores moments before. But they don’t really help and, in some instances, may actually harm your skin. Say what? How can removing that gunk from your pores not be helping? Stay with us – blackheads form when the opening of a hair follicle becomes clogged with dead skin cells and oil. This gunk gets oxidized by the air and appears black (hence the name). The strips only adhere to the top layer, which includes healthy skin cells, and this is what you see upon the grand reveal. In other words, strips only remove the top of the blackhead and may actually irritate sensitive or acne-prone skin. Because you’re only removing the superficial level, it won’t take long for the blackheads to reappear. To effectively treat blackheads schedule a facial with extractions. (Bonus – this is waaaaaay more relaxing than multi-tasking with a hardening strip on your nose.) To help prevent blackheads, which is really the goal, make sure you’re using the right products.

Tip – using a product with salicylic acid penetrates the inside of pores instead of just the top layer and promotes skin turnover to prevent future blackheads.

2. Exfoliating with apricot scrub ASAP. We know, you’ve been using this cult classic since high school and nothing leaves your face feeling as baby smooth, so why the lack of love? The very ingredients that leave your skin feeling smooth as a baby’s bottom - crushed walnut shells and apricot granules - are actually creating micro-tears. The scrubbing beads aren’t spherical and their rough edges can rip or stretch the pores, creating sensitivity and leaving the skin open for infection. Now we’re not suggesting that you stop exfoliating altogether (in fact, we’ve extolled the virtues of exfoliation here and here), but we are lovingly urging you to put down the apricot scrub and stop in for suggestions on a safer alternative.

3. Skipping sunscreen. Sure, it might be frigid and a shade of gray outside, but that doesn’t mean you can skip sunscreen. Whether you’re hitting the slopes or heading into the office, SPF is a must. Why? For starters, UVA rays can penetrate glass (freaky, huh?). While UVB rays are mostly blocked by glass and clouds, 50-60% of UVA rays go right through windows. So, even if you’re cozy and snug inside, you’re still at risk for sun damage. Plus, while it might not feel like it, those of us in the northern hemisphere are closest to the sun about two weeks after the winter solstice (i.e., now). Combine this with the fact that the ozone layer - the earth’s sunscreen- is at its thinnest between December and March and you’ve basically got the perfect storm less George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg. Fortunately, many skincare products, such as PCA’s Hydrator Plus moisturizer, contain SPF which make it easy to add protection.

4. Following the same skincare regimen year-round.
For some, this suggestion will be the toughest because change can be hard. (We still haven’t gotten over the fact they switched out Aunt Viv midway through the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.) But change can also be necessary and beautiful. As the seasons change so do our skin’s needs. Don’t be scared - we’re not backing out on our promise to lighten your to-do list! The fact is, you probably don’t need a complete regimen overhaul. Maybe you just need to swap nighttime moisturizers to quench your thirsty skin or switch your daily serum. Similar to muscle memory (i.e. the reason three sets of 15 reps doesn’t work forever), your skin benefits from periodic product changes. Not sure what you need? Book a free skincare consult or stop into the spa to speak with the La Bella Derma team.

5. Putting off self-care.
Not only is putting off self-care so 2015, it’s also the opposite of self-love, light and all things beautiful you promised to bring into the new year. Once seen as a sign of success, busy-ness and the incessant striving that often accompanies it have taken a toll on our bodies and minds, but regular self-care is the antidote. Believing that self-care is more than a buzzword is a start, but only those that put it into practice reap the benefits. Just like scheduling the gym increases the likelihood of you actually going, putting self-care in your calendar is key to making it a reality. As silly as it sounds, sometimes (ok, most of the time) we need to schedule self-care and protect it like that doctor’s appointment it took you six months to get. We know how easy it is for other things to creep in when there doesn’t seem to be anything on the line (except our mental and physical health). We get it – the struggle is real, which is why La Bella Derma created a membership program. This isn’t your jelly-of-the-month club folks, it’s a way for you to prioritize yourself (plus save money, gain access to cool events, and more) and commit to making self-care happen.

There you go – five things to stop doing in 2019! And, because we’re givers, here’s a bonus time-saver: stop using mascara. Whaaaaat? For many of us, going without mascara is akin to grocery shopping naked (it’s not going to happen). We love the little pop that mascara gives our eyes (a spa favorite is Blinc tube mascara), but we also love getting out the door on time. Enter eyelash tinting. While it doesn’t add length, lash tinting is great for an everyday natural look. Bonus – you’ll have time to stop by Starbucks on your way to work, which is really a bonus for everyone.

Remember, the La Bella Derma team is here to make your life easier. Stop by the spa or give us a call today at 802.735.3031. Happy New Year – we can’t wait to share 2019 with you!

Heather Frechette-Crowley is principal and founder of Root Marketing, where she uses content-based strategy to help businesses of all sizes connect with their target market. Looking for help telling your story? Visit or email