Self-care is the new yoga; everyone wants to do it, but most of us aren’t sure how. The concept is simple – take care of yourself – but the term has become trendier than non-dairy milk. It’s thrown around so much we’re left wondering what it really is (same with hemp milk).
Part of the reason self-care is hard to define is because it’s different for everyone, changing daily based on a number of variables - your current level of caffeination, how much sleep you’ve gotten, how loudly your children and/or colleagues are screaming – you get the point.
While we’re still looking into hemp milk, we can tell you that self-care is about integrating self- compassion into your daily life to prevent burnout (emphasis on prevent). Unfortunately, too many of us put off self-care until we’ve reached the point of no return, also known as “That time my Mom / Sister / Wife / Friend lost her mind.”
The repercussions of neglecting yourself are far reaching. When we choose to push through, buck up, and soldier on we become the customer not-so-silently fuming in the Starbucks’ line (How does he not know what’s in a damn smoothie?), the employee that gets the entire office sick right before Thanksgiving, and the parent who forgets pajama day. Why? Because proper self-care helps to insulate us from the side effects of stress like sickness, impatience, forgetfulness, and negativity. Bottom line? Self-care is the best preventative medicine around. It’s not a reward; it’s a necessity. That’s right, SELF- CARE IS A NECESSITY. Write it on a post-it or tattoo it on your arm, but make this your mantra.
You might be wondering why, if self-care is as important as the bold and italics indicate, we have such a hard time doing it regularly. Here’s the tricky part, self-care doesn’t always feel good in the moment. Think getting up at 5 am to go to the gym or passing on that second serving of molten chocolate cake. Sure, you feel great after you get your sweat on or arrive home with your pants still zipped, but sometimes what’s in your best interest doesn’t immediately make your heart sing.
While we agree with the experts on the benefits of daily movement, deep breathing and gratitude journaling, we also know that there are times when an inspirational day planner doesn’t cut it. Between family obligations, checking your credit card statement for erroneous charges and getting ready for the holidays (yup, we just went there), sometimes you simply need a little pampering to re-charge. Of course, a full day at the spa would do the trick, but what if you don’t have that kind of time? Enter La Bella Derma’s Boutique Spa Treatments.
Designed specifically for those in need of a quick respite, Boutique Spa Treatments take place in a semi- private treatment room where you’ll relax in a zero gravity recliner and feel the weight of the world slide away – literally. With treatments ranging from the 20-minute Destress Express (think cozy blankets, warmed eye pillow and booties) to a Gemstone Glow-n-Go Facial and everything in between, there’s a treatment to fit your schedule - you can even leave with whiter teeth in 30 minutes! Regardless of how much time you can spare, you will walk out feeling cared for which will allow you to be the best version of yourself. Ready to make yourself a priority? Check out La Bella Derma’s membership program. It’s the perfect way to keep yourself on the calendar!
To fully actualize the benefits of self-care, it should be incorporated it into your daily routine. Right about now you’re probably thinking, “Easier said than done,” but stay with us. Since we can’t squeeze more minutes into the day we need to be intentional about how we spend the ones we have. For example, your morning routine sets the tone for the day, so make the most of it. Don’t just jump into the shower. Ease yourself into the morning by using a LATHER body wash and/or body scrub. With scents like Mangosteen & Green Tea, Bamboo Crème and Yuzu Sugar Cane you might forget it’s only Wednesday. And, while you’re rinsing off go ahead and remind yourself just how flippin’ awesome you are.
For bonus points and a glowing complexion, slather on a facial mask while you’re mid-suds. Just make sure to keep your face out of the water stream so the mask can work its magic. Our favs include Epicuren’s Pumpkin Apple Spice Peel that dissolves dead skin cells and promotes clarity and Laurel’s Honey Berry Enzyme Facial Mask which exfoliates and hydrates.
Since we’re talking suds, we’d be remiss if we didn’t mention the power of a warm bath. From helping you sleep better to easing muscle aches, baths can provide the solitude you need to recoup from a long day. To boost your luxury level and achieve ultimate relaxation, we recommend adding a handful of LOTUSWEI bath salts. Each of the all-natural bath salts comes with a downloadable mediation created to help you release tension and negative emotions. Pro tip – keep the water warm, not hot and limit your time to 15 minutes. Too long in the tub can actually lead to a breakdown of skin, which is definitely not a sign of self-care.
Of course, no shower or bath would be complete without a moisturizing finale. Try Epicuren’s line of aptly named After Bath moisturizer. Made with natural emollients and available in scents like Tahitian Vanilla and Kukui Coconut, this all-over body lotion seals in moisture without a greasy trail. For more intense moisturizing, choose LATHER’s Pure Shea Butter which will leave even the roughest heels and elbows silky smooth.
Moral of the story? You are Uh-Mazing, so act like it. Don’t even think about saving the good cleanser, lotion, or bath salts for a special occasion, or waiting for the next wedding invite to book a facial. You need to practice self-care Every. Single. Day. To encourage you to prioritize yourself La Bella Derma is raffling off a $100 gift card for use on treatments and products. Earn entries throughout the month of November for each appointment held, re-booking made, and membership purchased. Not sure where to start? We’re here to help; give us a call today at 802.735.3031.
Heather Frechette-Crowley is principal and founder of Root Marketing, where she uses content-based strategy to help
businesses of all sizes connect with their target market. Looking for help telling your story? Visit or email
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