Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Five Things to STOP Doing in 2019

Ahh, the start of a new year! The turning of a new page, a fresh slate, 12 months of possibility ahead. While December is the season of sugar cookies and peppermint martinis, we welcome January with snug waistbands and a list of ways to improve. Well not this year folks. Nope. We think you’re fantastic just the way you are, and rather than add things to your must-do-list, we’re taking them off. That’s right – here are five things to STOP doing in 2019:

1. Using pore strips. Sure, you get a satisfying sense of accomplishment when you pull it off and see the forest of debris that was clogging your pores moments before. But they don’t really help and, in some instances, may actually harm your skin. Say what? How can removing that gunk from your pores not be helping? Stay with us – blackheads form when the opening of a hair follicle becomes clogged with dead skin cells and oil. This gunk gets oxidized by the air and appears black (hence the name). The strips only adhere to the top layer, which includes healthy skin cells, and this is what you see upon the grand reveal. In other words, strips only remove the top of the blackhead and may actually irritate sensitive or acne-prone skin. Because you’re only removing the superficial level, it won’t take long for the blackheads to reappear. To effectively treat blackheads schedule a facial with extractions. (Bonus – this is waaaaaay more relaxing than multi-tasking with a hardening strip on your nose.) To help prevent blackheads, which is really the goal, make sure you’re using the right products.

Tip – using a product with salicylic acid penetrates the inside of pores instead of just the top layer and promotes skin turnover to prevent future blackheads.

2. Exfoliating with apricot scrub ASAP. We know, you’ve been using this cult classic since high school and nothing leaves your face feeling as baby smooth, so why the lack of love? The very ingredients that leave your skin feeling smooth as a baby’s bottom - crushed walnut shells and apricot granules - are actually creating micro-tears. The scrubbing beads aren’t spherical and their rough edges can rip or stretch the pores, creating sensitivity and leaving the skin open for infection. Now we’re not suggesting that you stop exfoliating altogether (in fact, we’ve extolled the virtues of exfoliation here and here), but we are lovingly urging you to put down the apricot scrub and stop in for suggestions on a safer alternative.

3. Skipping sunscreen. Sure, it might be frigid and a shade of gray outside, but that doesn’t mean you can skip sunscreen. Whether you’re hitting the slopes or heading into the office, SPF is a must. Why? For starters, UVA rays can penetrate glass (freaky, huh?). While UVB rays are mostly blocked by glass and clouds, 50-60% of UVA rays go right through windows. So, even if you’re cozy and snug inside, you’re still at risk for sun damage. Plus, while it might not feel like it, those of us in the northern hemisphere are closest to the sun about two weeks after the winter solstice (i.e., now). Combine this with the fact that the ozone layer - the earth’s sunscreen- is at its thinnest between December and March and you’ve basically got the perfect storm less George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg. Fortunately, many skincare products, such as PCA’s Hydrator Plus moisturizer, contain SPF which make it easy to add protection.


4. Following the same skincare regimen year-round.
For some, this suggestion will be the toughest because change can be hard. (We still haven’t gotten over the fact they switched out Aunt Viv midway through the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.) But change can also be necessary and beautiful. As the seasons change so do our skin’s needs. Don’t be scared - we’re not backing out on our promise to lighten your to-do list! The fact is, you probably don’t need a complete regimen overhaul. Maybe you just need to swap nighttime moisturizers to quench your thirsty skin or switch your daily serum. Similar to muscle memory (i.e. the reason three sets of 15 reps doesn’t work forever), your skin benefits from periodic product changes. Not sure what you need? Book a free skincare consult or stop into the spa to speak with the La Bella Derma team.

5. Putting off self-care.
Not only is putting off self-care so 2015, it’s also the opposite of self-love, light and all things beautiful you promised to bring into the new year. Once seen as a sign of success, busy-ness and the incessant striving that often accompanies it have taken a toll on our bodies and minds, but regular self-care is the antidote. Believing that self-care is more than a buzzword is a start, but only those that put it into practice reap the benefits. Just like scheduling the gym increases the likelihood of you actually going, putting self-care in your calendar is key to making it a reality. As silly as it sounds, sometimes (ok, most of the time) we need to schedule self-care and protect it like that doctor’s appointment it took you six months to get. We know how easy it is for other things to creep in when there doesn’t seem to be anything on the line (except our mental and physical health). We get it – the struggle is real, which is why La Bella Derma created a membership program. This isn’t your jelly-of-the-month club folks, it’s a way for you to prioritize yourself (plus save money, gain access to cool events, and more) and commit to making self-care happen.

There you go – five things to stop doing in 2019! And, because we’re givers, here’s a bonus time-saver: stop using mascara. Whaaaaat? For many of us, going without mascara is akin to grocery shopping naked (it’s not going to happen). We love the little pop that mascara gives our eyes (a spa favorite is Blinc tube mascara), but we also love getting out the door on time. Enter eyelash tinting. While it doesn’t add length, lash tinting is great for an everyday natural look. Bonus – you’ll have time to stop by Starbucks on your way to work, which is really a bonus for everyone.

Remember, the La Bella Derma team is here to make your life easier. Stop by the spa or give us a call today at 802.735.3031. Happy New Year – we can’t wait to share 2019 with you!

Heather Frechette-Crowley is principal and founder of Root Marketing, where she uses content-based strategy to help businesses of all sizes connect with their target market. Looking for help telling your story? Visit www.rootmktg.com or email heather@rootmktg.com.

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