Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Just How Super is the GeneO+ Super Facial?

To a 40-something who hasn’t always prioritized her skin health (think Hawaiian Tropic and Sea Breeze astringent) reduced fine lines and wrinkles, smaller pores, and brighter skin is basically the skincare trifecta. So, when La Bella Derma offered to let me experience their new GeneO+ Super Facial that claims to deliver those very results, I was all “Ummm, yes please.”

Owner and Esthetician Extraordinaire, Chelsea Russell, explained that the GeneO+ (pronounced juh-nay-o, so as not to be confused with the brand of turkey) treatment combines microdermabrasion, potent oxygenation, and the collagen-producing power of radio frequency in one super treatment. Sounds impressive, but how exactly does all of that counter years of environmental factors and brow furrowing? I had no idea but was more than willing to find out.

The GeneO+ Super Facial began with a gentle cleanse, which always feels like a treatment in itself when accompanied by an expert facial massage and properly placed bolster. Next, the smooth NeoReviveTM gel was gently brushed over my face. (Note – depending on your primary concern, you can choose NeoRevive to focus on anti-aging or NeoBright™ to address skin tone)

Once the gel was applied, Chelsea glided the GeneO’s handheld wand in circular motions across my face, explaining that I would soon feel a gritty texture. Two seconds later, in a move straight out of Harry Potter, the gel turned gritty beneath the wand and started to foam. Hello, oxygenation! It felt so neat it made me wish I had paid more attention in science class. When a thick layer of foam had formed, it was gently removed and massaged back into my skin with the wand for deeper penetration. This step not only added to my relaxation, it also helped to seal in anti-aging ingredients like Kojic Acid, Azelaic Acid and Retinol. Truly living up to its name, every element of the GeneO+ Super Facial multitasks. This step not only exfoliates, but also infuses oxygen into the skin to stimulate cell renewal.

My skin felt clean and tight, and I wasn’t done yet. Next up – radio frequency, but not the scary sci-fi kind. It was more of the don’t-feel-a-thing-but-magically-takes-away-wrinkles kind. In fact, if Chelsea hadn’t described what she was doing I would never have known. Another gel, this one with aloe vera for added hydration, was applied to create a conductive medium for the radio frequency (RF) waves. I felt a gentle, warming sensation as the wand moved over my face and I grew more relaxed. Tricky things those RF waves; though I couldn’t feel it, they were busy at work stimulating collagen production, tightening tissue and retracting the skin (sorry wrinkles, not sorry).

A few minutes later, a firm shoulder massage indicated that my treatment had come to an end. Now, I’m generally in no hurry to hop off the treatment table but I was excited to see my GeneO+ Super Facial results, so to the mirror I ran. I immediately noticed that my skin wasn’t just bright, it was flippin’ glowing! It looked tight and smooth, and the prominent lines on my forehead weren’t nearly as deep as they had been an hour earlier. In short, it was rather uh-mazing.

In fact, the next morning my skin looked even better thanks in part to all of the nutrients it absorbed overnight. Sometimes we endure discomfort and downright pain in the name of beauty (looking at you, electrolysis). Trust me when I tell you this is not one of those times. This treatment is relaxing and literally has zero downtime (the pics are proof). And, while it results in an immediate difference, the effects are cumulative so the more treatments you get the better your skin will look.

For more information or to book your GeneO+ Super Facial click here. Still have questions? Stop by the spa or call 802.735.3031 to speak with a team member.

Heather Frechette-Crowley is principal and founder of Root Marketing, where she uses content-based strategy to help businesses of all sizes connect with their target market. Looking for help telling your story? Visit or email

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