Tuesday, April 2, 2019

What's Stress Got To Do With It?

April is officially Stress Awareness Month, but most of us feel it every day. And, while this may come as a shock (insert sarcastic emoji) according to Psychology Today 1, Americans are more stressed than ever and women experience the brunt of it 2. What do we stress about? Money, work, family, relationships, global warming, zombie apocalypse... essentially anything and everything.

Zombie apocalypse notwithstanding, the reality is that life is full of stress, both “good” (think planning your wedding, starting a new job, or having a baby) and “bad” (death of a loved one, job loss, etc.). There are even online quizzes you can take to gauge your level of stress (in case not knowing how stressed you are is causing you additional stress). Yet, despite society’s awareness, some situations still garner more sympathy. Selling your house and moving across the country? Stressful. Running a Fortune 500 company? Definitely stressful. Walking the infamous work/life balance tightrope EVERY SINGLE DAY? Mmmm…

Yeah, see what we mean? Even in today’s hyper-aware culture we’re still hesitant to acknowledge the unrelenting pressure most women accept as part of life. Maybe it’s because much of what causes our stress is unglamorous, yet essential to keeping the ship afloat. Known as emotional labor, these invisible duties often go unnoticed until we stop doing them. This is the never-ending list that scrolls through your mind at 3 am…we need a nut- and gluten-free snack for Tuesday…did the Easter Bunny bring jump ropes last year…. we should really start meatless Monday… and so on.

In a climate where busy-ness is a badge of honor and women one-up each other with commitments, stress has become so normalized that we no longer pay attention to its symptoms. Spoiler alert: disrupted sleep, anxiety, fatigue, poor concentration and mood swings are not just part of being a woman. These are ways stress manifests, it’s our bodies telling us to chill out 3 and when we choose not to listen the repercussions can be dangerous. Seriously. Stress elevates cortisol levels which lowers immune function and bone density, and increases blood pressure, cholesterol and heart disease 4. Enough said.

When it comes to stress, it’s not as much about avoidance (which is impossible, btw) as it is management. So, in the spirit of Stress Awareness Month here are a few tried and true ways to keep stress in check.

Develop & Maintain Social Connections. Stress often results in isolation and feelings of loneliness, which is why you need to go to book club, schedule coffee with a friend, and make ladies’ night a priority. (FYI - La Bella Derma makes a great time-out destination and offers spa day bundles for every price point.) While making time for friends may seem frivolous when you have a million things to do, research shows that people who surround themselves with a caring and supportive network actually feel more capable of handling life’s stressors 5.

Stay In Touch With Your Feelings. Remember the saying, “fake it till you make it”? Turns out that might not have been the best advice. While “surface acting” (i.e., forcing emotions) may help us conquer short-term feelings of inadequacy or keep us from punching Cathy in accounting, it can also keep us from trusting our inner wisdom. And, when we habitually ignore our feelings it generally doesn’t end well. Enter journaling. Setting aside time to regularly check in with yourself is an extremely helpful way to stay connected to your gut and avoid heading in directions that will take you off course. To make your weekly scribble session more fun, buy a fancy journal, grab a corner spot at your favorite coffee shop and check out this article for more ways to make your journaling habit stick.

Disconnect From Stressors. We know that disconnecting from your spouse, kids, job, society’s unrealistic ideals and everything else on your plate is darn near impossible, which is why it’s so flippin’ important. Women have been caretakers since the beginning of time, but we’re not very good at taking care of ourselves. Now, for the sake of all things holy, it is time for that to change. We won’t say that a visit to the spa will magically make your significant other pick up some emotional labor or get your micromanaging boss take a step back. But it will give you a much-needed break to breathe, focus on yourself and just be. Oh, and also leave you feeling uh-mazing. In fact, creating a space for just that is why La Bella Derma was founded.

At the risk of going all Hallmark, we want you to remember that throughout all of life’s ups and downs there’s only one you, so start treating yourself like the rare gem you are. No one is immune to stress but by recognizing the triggers we can counteract its effects. Start with the suggestions above and take a look at Self-care: More than a buzzword for more tips. And, as a little incentive to get you headed in the right direction, all spa facials are 20% off through April. Stop by the spa, book online, or give us a call today at 802.735.3031 to schedule yours.

1 https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-mindful-self-express/201702/americans-just-broke-new-record-stress-and-anxiety
2 https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/stress/2010/gender-stress
4 https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2014/09/22/349875448/best-to-not-sweat-the-small-stuff-because-

5 https://www.verywellmind.com/social-support-for-psychological-health-4119970

Heather Frechette-Crowley is principal and founder of Root Marketing, where she uses content-based strategy to help businesses of all sizes connect with their target market. Looking for help telling your story? Visit www.rootmktg.com or email heather@rootmktg.com.

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