Thursday, February 21, 2019

How To Embrace Spring’s Gifts

Sometimes the universe delivers exactly what we need when we need it - the perfect little something just for us. Oh hello, Starbucks double stars day; thrilled to see you, open parking spot; it’s been far too long, stunning rainbow. Spring is just that kind of gift– all melting snow, budding leaves, and bright sun – arriving when we can’t stand one more minute of ice, boots or frigid winds. Unfortunately, we’re often so heads-down just trying to make it through the day that we miss the gifts around us. We’re too caught up in moving on to what’s next that we forget to enjoy what’s here.

Enter spring in New England - Mother Nature’s way of reminding us that in this moment there is opportunity. Yup, we’re headed down Metaphor Lane but if you stay with us you won’t be sorry. To make room for daffodils and green grass, layers of snow and ice must first melt away. The same is true for us. Before we can embrace the present some things need to melt away.

How does one actually make that happen? For starters, when you feel better, you do better. Our mission at La Bella Derma is to give you the support you need to feel your best and this month we want to do that by helping you embrace spring’s gifts (however small they may be). So, we’re sharing a few ways to rise above the busy-ness of life because it’s hard to notice the little things when you’re struggling to stay afloat.

Start your day centered - Get up 15 minutes earlier and take a few moments to look out the window, listen to the quiet and center yourself. Don’t check your email or try to get a jumpstart on the tasks you need to accomplish. Just sit and breathe. Ask yourself what you’re grateful for and focus on the abundance (trust us, it’s there). The ripple effects of this small action can change the trajectory of your entire day.

Team tip – A few spritzes of Loutuswei’s Inner Peace or Quiet Mind aura mist is a gentle way to clear the mind.

Scribble Saturday or Sunday - Once a week grab a journal and head to a coffee shop, library, or quiet nook of choice to really check-in with yourself. This is time to sip some tea or your favorite latte and focus on you. How do you feel? What do you want more of? What can you eliminate or stop doing to help you get to where you want to be? Maybe it’s cutting out late night Netflix so you don’t start your day hitting the snooze button. Listen to your inner voice and write down what she says. Don’t worry, this doesn’t mean you’re committing to anything; you’re just listening. Caution – at first your mind will tell you to rush this exercise so you can move on to something more productive (like grocery shopping), but don’t. Instead, get quiet and listen; it’s the only way to become more present. When we take time to uncover what we really want – how we want to feel, how we want to show up, and (this one can be hard) we give ourselves permission to break through everything that’s been insulating us, that’s when we can see the gifts that surround us and bring our own into being.

Team tip – Can’t disconnect enough to hear your inner voice? Try the Destress Express 20-minute boutique treatment, then head to a nearby restaurant or coffee shop (La Bella Derma has plenty within walking distance) to journal. Nothing releases tension and clears your mind quite like our zero gravity recliner and soothing accessories.

Exfoliate (really). Sometimes our work is inside-out and other times it’s outside-in. Remember, when we feel better, we do better. There’s nothing like literally removing dead layers of skin to leave us feeling lighter and open to possibilities. For the body, we suggest using a dry brush a few times a week before hopping in the shower and adding a body scrub like Lather’s Yuzu Sugar Cane. Just don’t use them on your face! We offer a number of treatments and products specifically designed for facial exfoliation. Among them, peels and Vibradermabrasion work wonders to reveal healthy, bright skin after a long winter.

Team tip – Throughout March get a free express facial add-on with any PCA peel. Use the extra downtime to envision how you want to show-up (or zone out and simply enjoy).

Still not sure this will help you enjoy the present? As your mother used to say, just try it! Seriously, the only thing you have to lose is a layer of dead skin. Whether you’re swinging in for a quick brow shaping or enjoying a relaxing massage and body treatment, your time at La Bella Derma is always time well spent. How can we be so sure? Because time dedicated to helping you feel your best is never wasted. Take a look at our service menu or give us a call at 802-735-3031 to speak with a team member about the best treatments for you.

Heather Frechette-Crowley is principal and founder of Root Marketing, where she uses content-based strategy to help businesses of all sizes connect with their target market. Looking for help telling your story? Visit or email

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