Tuesday, September 1, 2020


We see it all the time. "Help! I'm getting married next month and my skin is awful!" "I wish I started taking better care of my skin when I was younger". Whatever the reason, we always seem to kick ourselves for all the what-ifs and missed opportunities. If an older me could tell the younger me then maybe, just maybe I would listen? I'm not trying to solve all past regrets- including the lunch I just ate, but hear me out. Prejuvenation. That is what we are talking about today. We are all familar with the term rejuvenation, especially when we are relating to skincare. Reduce wrinkles, fine line, sun damage, etc. This occurs through the use of at home skincare, and clinical in-office spa treatments. The more damamge you have, the longer it will take to see results, and likely the cost of the treatments needed will be higher. What IF we didn't wait so long? What IF we met with an Esthetician at the age of 30 instead of 40, or 50. Most Estheticians will offer free consultations and will help us to navigate our way through the endless aisles of drugstore brands, marketing ploys and false advertising. It's so easy to waste money on products that don't work. Ultimately, we really DON'T know what it is we're looking for, or need unless we are a trained professional, or have done hours of tedious research. Believe it or not, just because your girlfriend SWEARS by the miracle cream she's using- skincare isn't one size fits all. So, what exactly is prejuvenation? Simple. It's stopping the need for future emergency, last-ditch effort appointments, and having the skin we've always wanted all along. How do we achieve this? Genetics play a big role in how we age. Take a look at photos from your great grandparents on both sides. This is your future- or could be. The truth is we all age differently. Some of us with laugh lines, crows feet, sun damage, large pores, undereye bags, or all of the above. If you haven't slammed the computer closed yet, stay with me here... Seeing our genetic makeup isn't meant to scare you. Think of it as a useful tool to see where we can start preventing these aging characteristics. Sunscreen. Always sunscreen. 365 days a year, because a whopping 90% of premature aging is due to UV exposure from the sun. Antioxidants. Load 'em up. Antioxidants play a big role in age prevention. Not sure what to look for? See above: ASK A PROFESSIONAL. Semi-regular facials can play a big role in prejuvenation as well. Consider having a quartley facial to prevent premature aging.

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