Monday, August 31, 2015

Why wash my face?

I don't wear makeup, why wash my face?

You don't have to wear makeup to have "dirty" skin.  Throughout the day (and night) our skin is constantly producing oil and shedding layers of dead skin -GROSS!

Skipping this essential step can lead to larger pores, skin inflammation and a dull complexion.  Who wants that?!  So, what's the best what's the best way to cleanse your skin?  If you skin is oily, opt for  a gel cleanser- something that foams up.  Dry and sensitive skin will benefit from a milk or cream cleanser.  Also, make sure your cleanser is made specifically for the face, and is pH balanced.

Another added option is using a cleansing brush.  This will multiply the effects of the cleanser, giving you a deeper clean and allowing for your other products to penetrate better.  Make sure your cleansing brush moves by vibration, and doesn't rotate- this will prevent stretching of the skin.

"Why can't I use regular soap?"  Eeeekk!!  As an Esthetician, this makes me totally cringe!  Hand and body soap have a much higher pH level than facial cleansers.

"You've mentioned pH twice now, what does that even mean?!"  Well, it's all science- so I'll break it down and try to keep it short and sweet.  Your skin's barrier (acid mantle) prevents dryness, sensitivity, acne, wrinkles and sagging.  Obviously there's way more to it, which I'd be happy to explain later to those skin geeks- like myself who are interested.  The acid mantle has a pH of 4.5-5.5.  Most hand and body soaps have a pH up to 9! (The scale only goes up to 14).  This is obviously a no-no.

So, just get a face wash already!  Make sure it's made for your skin 'cause otherwise, why bother?  Use it!  It will do nothing for your skin just sitting on the counter- I promise.  As always, consult with your Esthetician regarding pH balanced products, or simply the right products for your skin.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Back to School Skin Care

Trying to fit in and feel confident is hard enough when you have "perfect" skin.  But, what if your skin is oily, or covered in pimples and blackheads?!  It's important to know what causes acne.  The three main acne-causing culprit are stress, hormones and genetics.  So, how do you determine what's causing your acne?

First, start by washing your pillow cases and, if you use them, makeup brushes once every week.  Wash your face twice daily and follow with a light, oil-free moisturizer.  I recommend having a consultation with an Esthetician to learn which ingredients are best for your type of acne.  

NEVER pop your pimples!  Not even with an extractor tool.  That will lead to scarring.  Instead, have extractions done by a professional (your Esthetician).  If you play sports- wash your face immediately after a practice or a game.

Hopefully doing those simple things will be enough!  Unfortunately for some, acne can be much deeper and more more stubborn.  In that case, you may need to see your Doctor regarding prescription treatments.

Be patient.  New skin care regimens can sometimes take up to three months to show improvement, and is rarely one size fits all.  Sometimes it's a game of guess and check before finding the right fix for your skin.

Let's sum things up.  Wash.  Don't pick.  See a professional.

Remember that you are beautiful, and your skin doesn't define who you are- but it is absolutely possible to see improvement with some effort, which in turn will make you feel better about yourself.