Tuesday, September 29, 2015

What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a simple and safe procedure for exfoliating the epidermis and ridding the skin of fine vellus hair (peach fuzz). It has been used for many years, but many estheticians don’t even know it exists, and certainly, many don’t use it. Dermaplaning is a simple shaving of the epidermis.
Because dermaplaning is a quick procedure with few to no adverse effects, it has quickly gained popularity among cosmetic medical providers across the country. Using a scalpel and a delicate touch, the provider simply abrades the surface of the skin using light feathering strokes. This is a great treatment to offer to patients who are pregnant or nursing who want a deep exfoliation, but are not allowed to use peeling agents. Removing the hair gives the client healthier looking skin.
Although merely an old wives’ tale, many patients are often concerned that the hair will grow back heavier and darker after dermaplaning. This is not the case. As long as the hair is superficial vellus hair, it will grow back at the same rate and texture as before the treatment.
Removing epidermal skin also allows products to penetrate more readily into the deeper layers. Physicians may recommend this treatment to prepare the skin for chemical peels. It also may be used by estheticians to prepare the skin for superficial chemical peels or before a cleansing facial.
Dermaplaning is most often used on clients with rough, dry skin, superficial hyperpig­mentation, mild acne scarring, or fine lines and wrinkles. The treatment results in a more refined, smooth, “glowing” appearance.

Brow How-To

Brow Shaping Tips

Brows are defined by: arch, length, thickness, neatness, color and angle sharpness. There are common corrective procedures in place. Learn when to use them—and when to ignore them.

Rule: Close- & wide-set eyes

Start the brow closer to the outside of the nostril for close-set, and closer to the inside of the nostril for wide-set.
Break the rule: Do not deviate far from the natural curve coming off of the bridge of the nose, which creates an unnatural look.

Rule: Wide face

Remove hair from under the brow 
to create a greater arch and elongate the face.
Break the rule: If a prominent space exists under the brow, or if the face is very round, it will exacerbate the problem.

Rule: Oblong face

Straighten out the arch by removing hair from above the brow.
Break the rule: When encountering a narrow underbrow space that would prohibit a highlight area, do not remove hair above the brow.

Rule: Square face

A square face will almost always requires a prominent arch.
Break the rule: Move the arch to the outer two-thirds of the eye to create a full brow and keep the look current.
The trick is to balance the features without sacrificing the enhancement of another desirable feature. A healthy, full brow is a sign of good health and youth. Brows are important to facial symmetry. They can detract from dark undereye circles or an undesired prominent feature. Most makeup artists agree that clients are more opinionated about their brows than most other features. A seasoned artist will have negotiation tactics when clients desire bold eye makeup and barely-there brows. When lashes and brows are lush and full, busy women can wear less makeup, saving time and money. For those desiring full, modern brows, new technological advancements have tangible results when expertly applied. For example, one product developed for root outgrowth on the scalp also works well for brows. One positively charged end of double-ended zinc particles magnetically attaches to negatively charged hair, and the pigment particles at the other end attaches to the hair.3 Today’s market hosts a prolific bounty of precision pencils and pens, textural powders, waxes and gels that hold up to the scrutiny of daylight.

Tips for Fuller Brows

Step 1. Comb the lashes up and out to stay with the natural growth pattern and trim any hairs that are too long. Apply a lighter brow powder to add texture for fine hair, or a wax for coarse brows.
Step 2. Following the brow powder, apply two fine-point brow pencils in slightly different tones for added depth and etch the brows only where needed. Follow the natural curve, gliding off the bridge of the nose to create a soft angle.
Step 3. Fill in under the brow to thicken and straighten the arch while filling in bald patches. Do not fill above the brow line, as it will be visible.
Step 4. Set with brow powder in the desired color; a darker taupe is fashionable for blonde hair. Although dark brows are in vogue, black-brown colors will be more attractive than black for dark hair, due to the value intensity when layering product.
Step 5. Apply ample brow gel or hairspray on a spooley. A small handheld fan will dry unruly brows in place before they can resist.


Monday, August 31, 2015

Why wash my face?

I don't wear makeup, why wash my face?

You don't have to wear makeup to have "dirty" skin.  Throughout the day (and night) our skin is constantly producing oil and shedding layers of dead skin -GROSS!

Skipping this essential step can lead to larger pores, skin inflammation and a dull complexion.  Who wants that?!  So, what's the best what's the best way to cleanse your skin?  If you skin is oily, opt for  a gel cleanser- something that foams up.  Dry and sensitive skin will benefit from a milk or cream cleanser.  Also, make sure your cleanser is made specifically for the face, and is pH balanced.

Another added option is using a cleansing brush.  This will multiply the effects of the cleanser, giving you a deeper clean and allowing for your other products to penetrate better.  Make sure your cleansing brush moves by vibration, and doesn't rotate- this will prevent stretching of the skin.

"Why can't I use regular soap?"  Eeeekk!!  As an Esthetician, this makes me totally cringe!  Hand and body soap have a much higher pH level than facial cleansers.

"You've mentioned pH twice now, what does that even mean?!"  Well, it's all science- so I'll break it down and try to keep it short and sweet.  Your skin's barrier (acid mantle) prevents dryness, sensitivity, acne, wrinkles and sagging.  Obviously there's way more to it, which I'd be happy to explain later to those skin geeks- like myself who are interested.  The acid mantle has a pH of 4.5-5.5.  Most hand and body soaps have a pH up to 9! (The scale only goes up to 14).  This is obviously a no-no.

So, just get a face wash already!  Make sure it's made for your skin 'cause otherwise, why bother?  Use it!  It will do nothing for your skin just sitting on the counter- I promise.  As always, consult with your Esthetician regarding pH balanced products, or simply the right products for your skin.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Back to School Skin Care

Trying to fit in and feel confident is hard enough when you have "perfect" skin.  But, what if your skin is oily, or covered in pimples and blackheads?!  It's important to know what causes acne.  The three main acne-causing culprit are stress, hormones and genetics.  So, how do you determine what's causing your acne?

First, start by washing your pillow cases and, if you use them, makeup brushes once every week.  Wash your face twice daily and follow with a light, oil-free moisturizer.  I recommend having a consultation with an Esthetician to learn which ingredients are best for your type of acne.  

NEVER pop your pimples!  Not even with an extractor tool.  That will lead to scarring.  Instead, have extractions done by a professional (your Esthetician).  If you play sports- wash your face immediately after a practice or a game.

Hopefully doing those simple things will be enough!  Unfortunately for some, acne can be much deeper and more more stubborn.  In that case, you may need to see your Doctor regarding prescription treatments.

Be patient.  New skin care regimens can sometimes take up to three months to show improvement, and is rarely one size fits all.  Sometimes it's a game of guess and check before finding the right fix for your skin.

Let's sum things up.  Wash.  Don't pick.  See a professional.

Remember that you are beautiful, and your skin doesn't define who you are- but it is absolutely possible to see improvement with some effort, which in turn will make you feel better about yourself.


Monday, January 26, 2015

you are what you eat – and so is your skin!

We have heard the saying “you are what you eat” time and time again. Is there any merit behind this age old statement? One must question if a healthy diet has any positive effect on the health of the skin. According to dietician and nutritionist Nicollete Pace, the skin requires an ample supply of essential nutrients in order to maintain health.  Pace further suggests that improving one’s diet may delay the effects of aging while also improving the overall integrity of the skin. An article fromGrandparents.com, adapted by The Huffington Post, suggests eight foodsthat that have a direct correlation to healthy, beautiful skin, as outlined below.
Tomatoes are high in vitamin C and lycopene, both of which positively affect the skin. One of the most beneficial topical ingredients for the skin, vitamin C is also an effective collagen builder when ingested on a regular basis. Of course, the best source of vitamin C is still derived from topical application of L-ascorbic acid, the most bioavailable form of vitamin C. Lycopene is also found in abundance in tomatoes. Known most notably for its men’s health benefits, lycopene is also known to protect the skin from UV damage while also strengthening vascular function. With all that extra circulation, a healthy glow is inevitable.
Berries rich in color have a long, favorable history of providing antioxidant protection. Also high in flavonoids, polyphenols, vitamins and probiotics, raspberries and blueberries are by far the most beneficial to the skin when protecting it from environmental pollutants and other oxidative damage. Berries are also high in vitamin C, again contributing to healthy collagen production which keeps the skin wrinkle-free by strengthening the dermal layers.
Green tea’s known health benefits date back hundreds of years, including its positive effect on the health of the skin. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)is a polyphenol that is naturally found in green tea. It is an extremely effective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. It also provides exceptional protection from UV-induced damage. Some studies suggest that EGCG may play a role in healthy cell proliferation, which keeps the skin looking and acting younger longer.

Foods high in probiotics, like yogurt and kefir, have skin-friendly bacteria that can fight both redness and topical irritations. Although most yogurt brands are filled with healthy probiotics, kefir, a cultured milk product, contains three times higher concentrations of probiotics, depending upon the brand. According to The Huffington Post, medical researchers are still trying to find the connection between gut bacteria and the skin.  However, studies indicate probiotics reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. Chronic skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis and rosacea may all improve with regular consumption of yogurt or kefir.

Fish, like salmon and mackerel, are high in omega-3 fatty acids. These beneficial fats not only have heart healthy advantages, but also help keep dry skin hydrated from the inside out. These fatty acids are also responsible for the health of the cell membrane. Cell membranes work to keep harmful things out, but also allow nutrients in and out of the cell.
Another source of healthy omega fatty acids are nuts.  Many nuts offer multiple benefits to the skin beyond omegas. For example, almonds are also rich in vitamin E, a commonly used anti-inflammatory ingredient found in many skin care products. Anti-inflammatory properties can help with conditions like acne, psoriasis and eczema. When consumed in moderation, nuts can offer both heart and skin health benefits.
Full of nutritional fats that are also skin-friendly, avocados are high in glutathione. Glutathione is found in the tissues of all plants and animals. It is a strong antioxidant thought to be a key ingredient in slowing the aging process because of its ability to strengthen and rebuild collagen bonds.

Honey is one of nature’s miracle ingredients. Its benefits to the skin include antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and also antioxidant protection. These various components make it a beneficial ingredient for skin conditions such as acne, eczema, psoriasis and any other chronic inflammatory conditions. For those with dry skin types, honey also acts as a humectant, drawing moisture from the dermis to the epidermis.

Thank you PCA Skin for sharing!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Three GORGEOUS women joined me at La Bella Derma to try out a chemical peel for the first time!  Let's see what they had to say!

Photo: Racheal before and immediately after 1 peel.

Two hours post treatment Racheal says:
Still in awe of how awesome my skin looks and feels after just one peel! It's amazing, you're amazing and cannot wait to come back for more!

Three Days Post treatments Racheal says:
Day 3 post peel and my skin still looks great! Love how I have a fresh feel and glow ..makes winter VT skin so much better!

Terri says:
All I can say is WOW! I've just experienced my first chemical peel thanks to Chelsea Carmichael owner of La Bella Derma Day Spa. I can't get over the immediate results. I must have looked at myself in the rearview mirror 20 times on my way home! My skin feels warm and tight and is literally glowing! I accepted the invitation with much trepidation. I assumed I would leave the procedure and have to hide my face from the public. I assumed it would be red and burning. It's a chemical peel after all! I couldn't be more thrilled to have been proved wrong! The procedure takes no time at all. The products felt refreshing to my skin and were appealing to my sense of smell. Chelsea explained the benefits and purpose of each product as it was applied. Her depth of training and knowledge was evident in everything she did. Chelsea is the ultimate professional and I can't wait to see the continued benefits of this peel in the days to come! Thank you Chelsea!

Day two after having an amazing chemical peel on Wednesday. Yesterday skin felt tight and a bit itchy in a couple of places, but still had that newly acquired glow. Today my skin feels totally normal and is very smooth and soft and is still glowing! I can only imagine that even better results will be had with my next one! So fun to try something new and be so happy with the results! Thank you again Chelsea Carmichael andLa Bella Derma Day Spa!

Day four after my awesome first chemical peel! Skin definitely seems more even. I almost didn't put on foundation this a.m. to go to a fitness class. Almost! LOL! Can't wait to do this again!

Ali says:
First chemical peel ever! I must admit that I was a bit nervous. However, my skin feels great. Tighter and smoother; not raw like I thought it might. It is still a bit red. Just a few patches, but nothing that would prevent me from going out. It's only been 7 hours since the treatment so I will probably update again tomorrow. If I continue to see these results I will definitely book another. Plus, Chelsea was super sweet and nonjudgmental.